Sunday 25 July 2010

Second music video essay

Music video

Name of music video: Dreaming of another world
Band: The Mystery jets

Director: Yoann Lemione
Date released: 2010

Genre: Alternative/Indie

The mystery Jets are an upcoming British band, their third album serotonin featured the single dreaming of another world, this was made into a music video in 2010 by director Yoann Lemione.

The music video is rather conventional to the genre of the music because we can see the band playing in various stages throughout the music video. It is conventional because the Indie or alternative style of music is very often composed with instruments such s guitars and drums, and in usual circumstances music that involves these style of instruments have bands playing the instruments in their music video to show off how talented the band is.

The mise en scene in this music video is rather unconventional for a band of the 21st century’s as is the style of video. For a start the costumes and set the band use in this particular music video are outfits that you would expect to see in the music videos of a older generation like that of 1960’s 70’s or 80’s. The cloths and setting gives the music video a very different fell from music videos that we usually have on T.V at the moment as it is daring to try and copy the past and make a scene so they can stand out.

The usual music video has a link between visuals and lyrics in the music video, however in this music video it is not that case as from watching it a couple time I can not pick out any obvious inks between the lyrics and the visuals apart from the times that they are actually singing the lyrics on screen, but I thought of that as more performing that actual links between the lyrics and lyrics.

I do feel however that there is some sort of link between the actual music and tempo of the music and the visuals that are shown on screen in the music video. By this I mean it can be illustrated in the way that the music is quite mellow and in the music video most of the way through the band are seen as chilling out and enjoying themselves. Right at the end the msuic starts to ahvea different tempo and this is illastrated in the msuci video with change of setting and lighting to go with this even slower tempo than before.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very vague commentary Alex, rather than the analysis I would like to see. There's so much more you could discuss, even from the opening 50 seconds, such as: diegetic/non-diegetic sound and its effect, more about costume and make-up (mise en scene) trying to place in a specific time rather than guessing 3 decades, the narrative of the video... Then there's the technical side: editing, transitions, lighting etc.

    You should really approach this analysis in the same depth we looked at TV Drama for G322.
