Tuesday 30 November 2010

Moral panics

What is a moral panic?

Moral panic is an interesting social phenomenon that can have tragic results. The term is used to describe a state of panic induced in a large group of people, who feel that a societal norm or an aspect governing the safety of people is being seriously threatened. The term is the creation of sociologist Stanley Cohen, who examined the way that Mods and Rockers were perceived as a threat to society in the 1960s and early 1970s. Moral panic clearly existed prior to Cohen creating the term. Virtually every dance style introduced in the 20th century created such panic; even the waltz was condemned much earlier as a sure path to sin because the couples embraced each other. Moral panics have been around for ages, even Plato thout that youth vulture was something worth worrying about.

An example of a modern moral panic

Knife crime seems to be today’s moral panic, although there have been few incidents it seems that the media has decided to brand everyone that wears a hoody as a hooligan and they must be carrying a knife. Of course this Is not true but it has turned into moral panic, and moral panics always seem to be surrounding youth cultures. Most young men don't carry knives; most young people are not components of what some politicians are calling the 'broken society'. It is just simple scapegoating, as youths will always be easy to blame.

The future of moral panic
I believe that along as there is a youth culture of any sort there will always be a moral
panic surrounding the, and I ma sure in the future when I am older I will be part of the
Elder generation that is positive that youth culture has become more destructive from
when I was young, however I doubt that it would it will actually be the case that
thereis a problem with the youths of the future, I feel that I will have just become
more paranoid. So I believe there will always be moral panics and this will continue
in the future.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Progres on filming

Progress of our filming

WE have finished our filming after one successful filming session on the Sunday of the 30th of October.

We had tried to film on a number of occasions before this but certain conditions and variables demanded that we were not able to film before this date, so we are very pleased that we finally got a good filming session done, and are happy with the footage that we captured. Weather wise the conditions were perfect as it was a sunny day with only a few clouds in the sky, but since these clouds were low the moved very quickly which means that when we come to editing the sky may look slightly different from frame to frame, however this could not really be avoided.

All in all I am very happy that me and Chris have got our filming done as we can now edit it into the actual music video.

Friday 5 November 2010

Analysing the magazine advert for the album #2

Analysing the magazine advert for the album #2

Sarah Blasko: As Day Follows Night

The advertisement is found in Mojo magazine, it being in mojo magazine may suggest that it is alternative genre album that may not be able to be pigeon hold for a certain genre, this is because Mojo is a music magazine that normally advertises and reviews music of most rock and alternative music, Mojo is defiantly not a commercial magazine for music. This advert is taking up a whole page which may suggest that it is a important or a highly anticipated album. The target audience for this album may be for a more sophisticated and/or elder generation, this is because as opposed to a magazine such as smash hits Mojo is not aimed at teenagers or young adults and Mojo is not commercial music.

The writing in this music advertisement is rather plain, interesting however is that the name of the Artist is in black while the writing of the album is in white. This I think is clever as the name of the album follows the name of the artist, it follows, and the artist is in black which could connote that it is night, and the album is white, this may represent day following night, just like the album name. The artwork in the advertisement is I am guessing a picture of that actual singer of the album. This picture is her face planted on rather bland background, but then there is a sudden explosion of colour. All of this could connote that the album is a explosion of new talent on a rather bland music scene, with her face being at the front of the picture suggesting that she is at the forefront of the latest wave of talent.

There is no telling when it will/was released, which is odd, but that may just suggest that it has been already released, and they are simply re-promoting it. However there are many reviews on the page and they are all either 4 or 5 stars, from various different sources, this is the advertiser trying to show it is a really well reviewed album, and that if you have not heard of it you are not really in touch with the in scene and for you to become int touch with this scene you need to buy this album.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Just thought, about how media will be dealt with in the future.

I beleive that media will actually be even more important in the future and will have to be dealt with more seriosly, by this i mean more people will probably be sent to jail and be punished for doing illeagel things online such as piracy, as in the future, it may be the exact same as stealing from a shop, and illeagel downloaders may be seen as shoplifters. just a thought. So security on sites will have to increase and be policed more, like security gaurs almost. So for me i beleive that media will huave to ebh dealt with more serilsy and particularly in protecting things online and will be policed more

How can Human Traffic be seen as a metaphor for the effects model and gratifications model of media?

How can Human Traffic be seen as a metaphor for the effects model and gratifications model of media?

Human traffic can be seen as a metaphor for both these model through the use of drugs in the film.

The effects model is the hypodermic model. This sees the audience as duped and doped. In this case the film Human Traffic film could be seen as a metaphor in the way that in the film they suggest how when on drugs a confidence boost, this may make the audience feel that the movie is almost advertising drugs, the example of this is when at a party when the characters are high they manage to socialise to people and have their confidence to do this, which they would not have normally had if they were not on drugs, this may fit into the effects model because the audience may be duped into thinking that they can take drugs in a similar situation and it would be alright to do so. However it is not so later in the film when the characters experience the come down effects of taking drugs and all the confidence is taken away and replaced with a feeling of isolation.

The gratifications model can be seen as more power to the people. This is when an audience actively seeks out media; they are typically seeking it in order to gratify a need. Human traffic cane be seen as gratifying the need in the way that drugs are represented, as in a way drugs are positively shown throughout the production maybe this is what the audience wants to see and this is why they have actively found and watched human traffic and this show signs of the use and gratifications model.