Monday 4 October 2010

Skills I developed from my AS year in Media studies

Skills I developed from my AS year in Media studies

I earned a vast amount about digital technology last year. The first skills I really amassed last year was knowledge of different camera techniques and how to use the digital camera to the best effect. I did a fair bit of filming when it came to making our media product last year which was an opening to a thriller film, one interesting technique that I used last year was using night vision mode on the camera in the day time, this gave a somewhat weird effect which we used when showing our flashback, this is because it gave it a somewhat dream like effect. Last year we also learnt how top record sound on the apple make, we did this to make our own ‘real’ radio segment that we put in our media thriller, we had a sound booth to do this to allow the found to sound more legitimate and have no distractions. I also used a digital camera when looking for locations of our media thriller. The good things about software last year was that since we were using new apple mac computers all the programs we used were very up to date, however the bad point for me was that we were using apple macs as I much prefer pc’s as I find them less complicated and generally nicer to use.

Creativity was a important aspect of my AS last year as we had to create our won thriller opening. I believe that I personally dealt with creativity well and came up with valuable ideas for our media product last year. The most valuable ideas I came up with last year were mostly narrative, for some reason I seem to most enjoy coming up with new ideas for storylines because I find it really exciting to see your initial ideas actually turned into a product so the whole ideas part for me is a very exciting and interesting time in any media production.

As for stuff I learnt through the research and planning of our product was through watching movies and making case studys, the case study’s to show evidence of
this will be on my other blog which was for AS level ( this is my blog for A2 media). For improvements I would like to do more secondary research as I did mostly primary last year, I believe that secondary research would be important as I would be able to see how other people analyze movies which would give me another opinion which I believe would allow me to further improve my work.

For post-production we used a the apple macs and final cut express I believe, could be wrong though, this was useful program as it is a rather more professional program than ones I have used in that past I mean this in the way that you can crop any of you clips to any size overlap frames slow/down, and add so many different effects, all in all I learnt a lot in the ways of editing, we found out about rather useful editing techniques when it comes to making the opening of a film.

I believe however that is is very hard to create a completely original median text, as there will always be a aspect that has been thought up or done by someone else somewhere in time, like when we filmed in black and white and used a flashback sequence for example, the show flash-forward did something very similar but instead of a flashback it was a flash-forward, this shows that is it hard to make something completely original. We followed to thriller conventions of building suspense in out thriller and leaving mystery about what is really happening, as this engages the audience keeps them interested and keeps them guessing, which I believe in very important because if the audience are not interested there is little point for them to continue watching. We connected with the audience by making it about a normal person in a normal house supposedly leading a normal life, this is important as the audience can relater and think, well if this is happening to them this could happen to me as well, which would as I said earlier keep them on the edge of their seat and interested.

1 comment:

  1. A very thorough evaluation Alex. This will help you in the exam.
