Wednesday 22 September 2010

Robin hood and one other ‘British’ films ananlsyed

Robin hood and one other ‘British’ films ananlsyed
Story and Plot: What is the film about? Does it relate to British subject matter
Robin Hood: The film Robin hood is simply about the British legend that was known as Robin Hood, it is a film about Hhis struggle against the evil Sheriff of Nottingham, and how he tries to steal from the Rich and give to the poor. This is about British subject matter as it is set i England about a English myth, which I beleieve makes it a
Green Street: Green Street is a film about English football hooligans, it does realte to British subject matter because it is set in England follows the story of some fans at a English football club, this I British subject matter in my eyes, as it follows British people doing Brisith things British area.
Actors: What nationality? Are stars used in the film?
Robin Hood: Yes stars are used in the film, one of them is Russel Crow, he is of New-Zealand decent and has south African Citenship. Another star in the film is Cate Blabchett again she is Australian. So the two top actors o0n this film abpout Bristish cultrue and neither of them are Britsish, which could suggest that this is not a British film.
Green street: Elijah Wood is the star actor in this film, he is a American actor which shows again that just becuase a film is based in Britain and is about British events it does not mean that eveyything that goes into creating the movie must be English
Director: Who is the director of the film? What nationality are they? Do you know any other films that they have directed?
Robin Hood: The director of the film is Ridley Scott, Ridley scot is actually British. He directed gladioator and Russel Crow was his star actor in that film aswell, this might suggest why he picked russel crow for the lea in this film aswell, so this would be a reaonon why he picedk him again, and this would suggestn why he picked and actor that was nit Biritsh,l also with him being a Bristish director it could give the film a bigger feeling of Britishness.
Green street: The director of this movie is called Lexi Alexander,s he is a German film director, two things abou this director seem odd when you realise that she directed the film green street, for one she is a woman and this film is one of those classic British macho moview about men getting into fight, furthermore she is German and since this is a very British film about British films it is interesting to take into acount that the director is German. However after reading abit about her it seems that she alot about such matter as her brother was a fanatical fan of thier local German side, and that is where she got the inpiration for the movie.

Style: How would you characterise the style of film?
Robin Hood: I would catagorise this style of film as retelling of hsitoric events.
Green street:I would catagorise this style of film as a violent film probably aimed at the male audience as it about both football and violence which is the stereotypcial view of what goes on in the male mind.
Genre: Does it belong to a specific gnere? If so which? Does it remind you of any other films?
Robin Hood: a would catagorise it as a action/history, as it is a action oriontated film thatremakes and retells historic events, I believe that as itr is historic movie about British histpry It can be classed as a British moveiw and this gnere does give it a certain amount of Britishness. IT does remind me of such films as kingdom of heaven, noth films are action orianted films that are based in medieval times.
Green Street: The genre of this movie would probably be classified as action/drama as it consists of aspects of both such films. As for films it remind me of, a film called adulthood comes to mind which is another British film that is about the life on the streets in England and the trouble that comes with it.

Production company: Who financed the film? Where is the production company based? Is it a co-production from different countries? Did any of the films receive funding from the Film Council?
Robin Hood: It was fincanced from a jnumber of production copmpanys, one of the being the directors own, Ridley Scotts, Scott Free productions, so this could be counted as Biritsh company. It was also finacned by Relativty Media, which is a American company and Imagine entertainment, which is another Unitated states based company, so overall it would be fine to assume that the majority of the money for this film came from America, which is a key factor in deciding what nationailty the film can be classed as.
Green Street: Green Street was produced by ther film company caleld Baker Street, sadly i could not find too much information on this production company as the wikepidia page for the had been deleted. However i could find out about the other production company invloved and this company is called Odd Lot Entertainment which is a proudction and financing company based in California, the only other film that Odd Lot Entertainment has helped produce is the blockbuster movie the Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Alex. Try to come to a conclusion by summarising why you think they are (or are not) British films. Are they culturally British, or is it simply the production?
