Friday 18 February 2011

Second draft for album cover


  1. In the end i decided just to make simple changes to the album cover, i slightly changed the background both the colour and the texture. Furthermore i decided to change the composition of the font, the most drastic change being the colour form black to the now red, this was so it matches the colour of the other type.

  2. The open eye on the back of the album is to represent to the name of the album 'open Eyed Dreams' Furthermore i am hoping some of my target audience will manage to take a deeper look and decide it means open up your eyes to this band. The red colour of the font is a attempt to show the flirtatious nature of the music and possibly suggest then possible danger of the music, danger in a good way that can possibly be intriguing and make them want to listen to the music.

  3. Finally i decided to edit this slightly more as to link it better with me magazine adverts for this digipak, my final one is under the label final constructions
