Thursday 28 April 2011

What you have learned from audience feedback? Final Draft

We got audience feedback for the music video by showing it to a group of about 20 people. These 20 people all fell within the demographic of people we were aiming the products at. They are male to female between the ages of 16-18. We uploaded our music video to the media sever we were using and then showed it to the group an a large screen. This was done so we could get feedback, we also handed out a questionnaire to everyone in the room which had a number of questions about certain aspects of the music video we had made, this was so they write down and comment on aspects of our product that we were not sure how they would get. However we then had problems with our media product and it did not show properly, it was jumpy all the way through which made it very difficult to get any useful feedback for our music video. However we did learn that some of the shots were a bit boring and too long from the little feedback that was relevant, furthermore the most important lesson that we learnt from this experience and feedback was the importance of putting media products on youtube as there is less likely to be a technical difficulties on youtube.
When I handed out questioners for my digipak I handed out about 20 to a similar demographic, some of the same people answered the questions. The general consensus from my questionnaire was that i was going on the right track however they wanted some tweaks, the biggest thing that they wanted to change was the font changed, so this is what I did. Also the background according to them needed some work, but when I asked them the question to what genre they thought the my first attempt at the album cover should represent the vase majority about 95 % put down the genre that the album was attempting to represent. From this audience feedback I began to understand what they were looking for when it came to representing that particular genre of music
This left me with my last task which was to make thr magazine advertisement to get attention drawn to the album. After my first two questionnaires I feel I understood more what my target audience wanted for that genre so I had a much easier time making it. This meant that when I handed out the questionnaires for the last media text I already had gone in the right direction wityh the developing of it as I understood my targer audience. So I handed out this questionnaire to the same number of people, 20, of my target demographic this demographic were all taken from the college I go to.
IN conclusion I feel over the course of all three questionnaires I began to find what my target audience as actually looking for in media products, they were looking for a unique sort of genre that was not mainstream with darker colours to represent the alternative/ Indie style of music, my research from my target audience helped me greatly in understand what a audience looks for in a product and I hope it helped me make adequate products.

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